(MrTaxes.ca/filogix partnership information)
Mortgage bokers earn referral fees from MrTaxes.ca and use your link as a lead generation tool (More info – Click here)
This page has a listing of error codes and possible remedies for Filogix originated NOA order requests. Contact MrTaxes.ca for further clarification after reading error and possible remedies if any. We are here to help.
Error 2701: Invalid SIN – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- Possible errors:
- SIN digits may be reversed.
- SIN is not in correct format – must be numeric and 9 digits.
- SIN is missing. SIN field on Authorization form is blank or 0’s were entered.
Error 2712: Valid SIN but cannot access client’s CRA account – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- Valid SIN but cannot access client’s CRA account. Client needs to contact CRA to confirm authorization and grant access to their account. Taxpayer may contact CRA at 1-800-959-8281 and indicate they would like to grant online access to MrTaxes.ca Inc., Federal Business Number 821587060 as their representative. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Error 3120: Incorrect first name – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- Incorrect spelling of the taxpayer’s first name. Does not match CRA system. Refer to a recent CRA correspondence for accuracy.
- Taxpayer might have second name.
- Taxpayer changed their name.
Error 3130: Incorrect last name – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- Incorrect spelling of the taxpayer’s last name. Does not match CRA system. Refer to a recent CRA correspondence for accuracy.
- Surname has changed. A common error could be using a maiden name or married name that has not been updated on CRA records.
- Name/Surname reversal.
Error 4055: Applicant details name on NOA order Portal does not match name on Authorization form (T1013) – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- Applicant’s name does not match name on Authorization Form (T1013).
- Possible errors include:
- Spouse’s names on wrong form
- Same spouse twice
- Brokers name in wrong field
- Possible errors include:
Errors 5000+: Access to client CRA account but additional deficiencies.
(MrTaxes.ca/filogix partnership information)
Mortgage bokers earn referral fees from MrTaxes.ca and use your link as a lead generation tool (More info – Click here)
Error 5050: Returns not Filed – Clients can file with MrTaxes.ca and receive instant NOA through our CRA RepID account access – (www.MrTaxes.ca/filenow)
Brokers sign up for our referral program (www.DollarTaxClub.ca/affiliates) and receive credits.
- Returns not filed. Your client can file with MrTaxes.ca (click here for link). Why file with MrTaxes.ca? Read below.
- “YEAR” return has not been received by CRA. Check on account “Summary” page provided
- Solution is to have MrTaxes.ca file returns and obtain instant NOA and returned to broker same day. If taxpayer files may take up to three weeks to obtain NOA and if no errors in filing. Contact: 604-678-2937 or Help@MrTaxes.ca Returns not filed. Your client can file with MrTaxes.ca (click here for link). Why file with MrTaxes.ca? Read below.
- “YEAR” return has not been received by CRA. Check on account “Summary” page provided
- Solution is to have MrTaxes.ca file returns and obtain instant NOA and returned to broker same day. If taxpayer files may take up to three weeks to obtain NOA and if no errors in filing. Contact: 604-678-2937 or Help@MrTaxes.ca File now link(click here for link)
Error 5070: Slips not available or missing – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- No slips available for specific year.
- Either of current two years may have no income slips available. Client may have to contact issuer for copies as CRA has no records on file.
Error 5080: Returns in Process – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- Returns is in process.
- “YEAR” return is in process. Check on account “Summary” page provided. Possible reason is return is being reviewed and/or paper filed. Check on account “Summary
Error 5090: NOA assessed/reassessed: (NOA/NORA is not available yet) – For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- NOA assessed/reassessed but not released yet by CRA.
- “YEAR” assessed/reassessed. Notice of Assessment/Notice of Reassessment will be available to view on “date”. Status of Return included. Check on account “Summary” page provided
Error 5099: No returns ever filed – Clients can file with MrTaxes.ca and receive instant NOA through our CRA RepID account access – (www.MrTaxes.ca/filenow)
Brokers sign up for our referral program (www.DollarTaxClub.ca/affiliates) and receive credits.
- No return has ever filed.
- Client has balance owing. (Copy Income tax balance from client’s CRA account under Accounts and Payments)
- Statement of accounts not available online.
Error 5190: Client has balances owing. For more details go to www.MrTaxes.ca/filogix-errors
- Balances owing.
- Balance may be paid but not reflected yet at CRA (check in the mail).
- Possible remedy: Use client’s confirmation of payment to show lender.
- Ensure client paid on right account. MrTaxes.ca can verify with CRA with payment trace request.
- Client has balance owing. Copy Income tax balance from client’s CRA account under Accounts and Payments on summary page included with order.
- Balance may be paid but not reflected yet at CRA (check in the mail).
- Statement of accounts not available online. Possible reason is balance over $10,000. MrTaxes.ca can assist with balances owing. Contact us www.MrTaxes.ca/meeting
(MrTaxes.ca/filogix partnership information) - Mortgage bokers earn referral fees from MrTaxes.ca and use your link as a lead generation tool (More info – Click here)